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Bat species

In the Danube region, there is known 26 species. We found 23 of them. Monitoring was especially focused on Malé Karpaty mountains, Burda mountains, Buda mountains, Pilis and Visegradi mountains and the Morava river area. Also we monitored other interesting sites, please check the online map where are showed all sites.

Bat species

Rhinolophus hipposideros - Podkovár malý, Kleine Hufeisennase, Kis patkósdenevér
Small bat with wing length 18 - 25 cm. Roost sites: attics (summer), mines and caves (winter). 

Nyctalus noctula - Raniak hrdzavý, Abendsegler, Rőt koraidenevér
Big bat with wing length 32 - 36 cm. Roost sites: tree holes (summer), tree holes and holes in panel houses (winter). It is migratory species.

Nyctalus leisleri - Raniak malý, Kleinabendsegler, Szőröskarú koraidenevér
Medium sized bat with wing length 26 - 32 cm. Roost sites: tree holes. It is migratory species. 

Pipistrellus pipistrellus - Večernica malá, Zwergfledermaus, Közönséges törpedenevér   
Very small bat with wing length cca. 19 cm. Roost sites: holes in trees and buildings (summer), mines and caves (winter).   

Pipistrellus pygmaeus - Večernica Leachova, Mückenfledermaus, Szoprán törpedenevér  
Very small bat with wing length cca. 19 cm. Roost sites: holes in trees and buildings (summer). 

Pipistrellus kuhlii - Večernica južná, Weißrandfledermaus, Fehérszélű törpedenevér
Small bat with wing length 20 - 24 cm. Roost sites: holes in buildings (summer). 
Pipistrellus nathusii - Večernica parková, Rauhhautfledermaus, Durvavitorlájú törpedenevér
Small bat with wing length cca. 23 cm. Roost sites: holes in trees and buildings (summer). Migratory species. 

Hypsugo savii - Večernica Saviho, Alpenfledermaus, Alpesi törpedenevér 
Small bat with wing length cca. 22 cm. Roost sites: holes in trees, buildings and cliff crevices.

Vespertilio murinus - Večernica pestrá, Zweifarbfledermaus, Fehértorkú denevér
Medium sized bat with wing length 26 - 30 cm. Roost sites: holes in buildings and cliff crevices.

Eptesicus serotinus - Večernica pozdná, Breitflügelfledermaus, Közönséges késeidenevér
Big bat with wing length cca. 36 cm. Roost sites: roof crevices of buildings.

Barbastella barbastellus - Uchaňa čierna, Mopsfledermaus, Nyugati piszedenevér 
Medium sized bat with wing length cca. 26 cm. Roost sites: bark and tree cracks (summer), entrance of caves and mines (winter).

Plecotus austriacus - Ucháč sivý, Graues Langohr, Szürke hosszúfülű-denevér 
Medium sized bat with wing length 25 - 28 cm. Roost sites: roof of buildings (summer), caves and cellars (winter).

Plecotus auritus - Ucháč svetlý, Braunes Langohr, Barna hosszúfülű-denevér 
Medium sized bat with wing length 22 - 26 cm. Roost sites: tree holes and roof of buildings (summer), caves and cellars (winter).

Myotis myotis - Netopier obyčajný, Mausohr, Közönséges denevér 
Big sized bat with wing length 35 - 43 cm. Roost sites: roof of buildings (summer), caves and mines (winter).

Myotis blythii - Netopier ostrouchý, Kleines Mausohr, Hegyesorrú denevér 
Big sized bat with wing length 36 - 37 cm. Roost sites: roof of buildings and caves (summer), caves and mines (winter).

Myotis nattereri - Netopier riasnatý, Fransenfledermaus, Horgasszőrű denevér 
Medium sized bat with wing length 22 - 27 cm. Roost sites: tree holes (summer)

Myotis daubentonii - Netopier vodný, Wasserfledermaus, Vízi denevér 
Small sized bat with wing length 21 - 24 cm. Roost sites: tree holes (summer), caves and mines (winter).

Myotis bechsteinii - Netopier veľkouchý, Bechsteinfledermaus, Nagyfülű denevér 
Medium sized bat with wing length 25 - 28 cm. Roost sites: tree holes (summer).

Myotis alcathoe - Netopier nymfin, Nymphenfledermaus, Nimfadenevér 
Small sized bat. Roost sites: tree holes (summer). There is not enough data about the species ecology. 

Myotis mystacinus - Netopier fúzatý, Bartfledermaus, Bajuszos denevér 
Small sized bat with wing length 19 - 22 cm. Roost sites: crevices in rocks, buildings and tree holes.

Myotis brandtii - Netopier Brandtov, Brandtfledermaus, Brandt-denevér 
Small sized bat with wing length 20 - 23 cm. Roost sites: crevices in rocks, buildings and tree holes.  

Myotis emarginatus - Netopier brvitý, Wimperfledermaus, Csonkafülű denevér
Small sized bat with wing length 22 - 24 cm. Roost sites: tree holes, buildings (summer) and caves (winter).

Myotis dasycneme - Netopier pobrežný, Teichfledermaus, Tavi denevér 
Medium sized bat with wing length 20 - 30 cm. Roost sites: buildings (summer), caves and mines (winter).